Foundations of Digital Games
The International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games (FDG) is an interdisciplinary conference on technology used to develop digital games, and the study of digital games and their design. At FDG, academics can present their work to a diverse audience, share new ideas, and find collaborations with different backgrounds.
If you are attending the conference, be sure to check our schedule here.
You can join the conference tracks through the following Zoom links:
- FDG Room 1: JOIN ROOM 1
- FDG Room 2: JOIN ROOM 2
- FDG Workshops: JOIN WS ROOM 1
The 17th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games (FDG) 2022 is proud to invite research contributions in the form of papers, games and demos, doctoral consortium applications, as well as panel, competition, and workshop proposals.
We invite contributions from within and across any discipline committed to advancing knowledge on the foundations of games: computer science and engineering, humanities and social sciences, arts and design, mathematics and natural sciences.
Papers and Games-and-Demos submissions will receive double-blind peer reviews. Workshops, panels, competitions, and all other submissions will be single-blind. Games and Demos are guaranteed two reviews. There will be no rebuttal. All contributions should be submitted using EasyChair. Full papers will be sent to three reviewers (guaranteed two reviews).
FDG 2022 is held in cooperation with ACM, ACM SIG AI, ACM SIG CHI, and ACM SIG GRAPH.

FDG 2022 is possible with the support of:

CONTACT US - fdg2022@easychair.org